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Ride to State College

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:49 pm
by Meaux
I am in a bit of a bind. My car is out of commission and I need a ride to State College on Friday 4/4. There are a lot of people that make the trip I'm sure but I struck out with the people I know directly. If you can help (I am completely amenable to your schedule) please contact me at Thanks, Maureen

P.S. If not now, but are interested in carpooling or providing reciprocal assisance for each other in the future, please email also!

Re: Ride to State College

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:06 pm
by Meaux
Well, I solved my one day problem that Friday but this raised the whole carpooling Q&A. I'm going to start a new thread to share what I know and give a forum for others to fill in the blanks.