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Re: Remember When?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:48 pm
by coveredbridge
Something to say wrote:ahhh...digging around for a few pictures we have here. We have aerial views of our property and you can clearly see the airport/drag strip....1963.

Tipton Pharmacy was a Ford dealership owned by Lenny Rossi. I believe the Rossi family also owned a bar/restaurant down along the highway as well. I don't remember the specifics, but my dad played baseball for the Rossi team.

Fred DelGrosso, and his wife Merf, were wonderful people. Tipton natives adored them. As a child growing up in the park I have many memories. My parents, along with Fred, Lenny, and a few others would sit on the old blue booths eating shrimp and hot sausages while we kids rode round and round the kiddie-car track......FOR FREE! :bluebounce:

OK...moving on down ( up ) the road toward Tyrone......does anyone remember, or is it just a figment of my imagination, an ice cream parlor on the hill just before you reach Stager's Auto Salvage?
I remember my parents talking about a having a hot dog stand in that area, I guess it would have been in the 50's or 60's. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:28 pm
by Something to say
hmm... I dunno. Could be. I know I must have been very young....but I'm nearly positive I remember SOMETHING up there.....and I associate it with ice cream. Could have been a dream I guess.......

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:12 pm
by jumper56
OK, let's get something straight right off. The Hub had The Best Pizza! OK, now, I havn't noticed anyone 'remembering' Lions Inn, outside Tyrone. MMMMMMMMMMM, Belly Busters, Pizza Burgers. And the owners home on the hillside across the road with the two lion statues that sat out front?? Hmm, Hmm, that was mid sixtyish?? Loved Longs in Tyrone. Had the metal box for milk and still remember the taste of milk delivered in winter that would get little frozen chips in the bottle before you brought it in the house. Worked at Protor Silex, don't really remember coffee pots but, still have nightmares about toaster ovens. And, oh yes, in that 30 minute lunch we could get to the Texas Hotdog Stand and get hotdogs, drive back, eat them and get back on the 'line'. Oh, those are some memories!! This is a great thread, agreed!! I actually can still remember the roller skate rink ( dance floor ) up at Resevoir Park. That is so not spelled right?? Ooo, ooo, the Little League Field on Bald Eagle Ave, maybe that isn't the right street?? Help me out here!

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:44 am
by My2Cents
WOW.... I too remember the roller skateing rink up at "Blands Park." If you were good and could dance, you skated in the center with your partner... if you shuffled around, or could only skate in a forward motion, or if you tend to fall every so often you skated around the outside part of the rink, lol.... If you didn't have your own skates you could rent them from there....and the music played on and on in the background. Caught the Altoona bus at the Logan Hotel , it dropped us off at "Bland Park" and picked us up afterward.
I too remember the Lion Inn and their fantastic Root Beer Floats... was always facinated by the house on that hill and the lion statues. Longs Dairy, if I remember correctly, used to be Waples Dairy. I remember the glass milk bottles, with the cream that would settle to the top of the milk and the paper/cardboard lid. The cream at the top was always a treat. The Little League Field was up near the Paper Mill (15th and Bald Eagle area). Before that it was just plain and simply the Paper Mill playground. In the winter time they would flood the playground, it would freeze and we would go there and to ice skate. Ice skateing on the pond up at Reservoir Park was so much more fun though,lol.... there was more room and there was always a long line up for cracking the whip.... the one on the end would fly off into the snow banks that surrounded the pond, lol.

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:47 am
by BeachBiker
jumper56 wrote:... OK, now, I havn't noticed anyone 'remembering' Lions Inn, outside Tyrone. MMMMMMMMMMM, Belly Busters, Pizza Burgers. And the owners home on the hillside across the road with the two lion statues that sat out front?? Hmm, Hmm, that was mid sixtyish?? ...
I hadn't posted anything about the Lions Inn yet mainly because I and some others have brought it up in some previous threads over the past couple years here (can be located with the forum's Advanced Search feature).

But, I just KNEW it - and a lot of other places - would be coming in THIS thread!
jumper56 wrote:... Ooo, ooo, the Little League Field on Bald Eagle Ave, maybe that isn't the right street?? Help me out here!
Shea Field. I checked it out too - at least what's left of it - back last October when visiting: ... G_6205.jpg ... G_6207.jpg ... G_6206.jpg

I remember there used to an elevated booth just on the other side of the fence, directly behind home plate. You had to climb a ladder that went from the ground to the floor of the booth to get in there. Of course, that booth is long gone now.

One day when at a game, I ran into an attractive young lady (no name will be mentioned) who lived right there by the field.

We hit it off quite well. :fogey:

Afterward, while talking with my parents, I found out she was a relative on my mother's side of the family.

Bummer... :banghead:

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:56 pm
by banksy
Shea field was pretty awesome... I liked playing there much more than when we moved over to the current little league. Trying for that short fence is left was always a target to plop the ball down into the river! Remember the old scoreboard in center field with the numbers you hung up.

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:21 pm
by BeachBiker
banksy wrote:... Trying for that short fence is left was always a target to plop the ball down into the river!...
He-heh, ROOKIE!

MY target was always THE OTHER SIDE of the river... :fogey: :wall:

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:33 pm
by banksy
I don't think anyone put them to the other side of the river... did they?

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 1:32 pm
by BeachBiker
banksy wrote:I don't think anyone put them to the other side of the river... did they?
Not that I know of.

But it was my goal.

Hey, as Bill "Bull" Beamer's grandson - there were high expectations. Image Image Image

But, getting back to the specific question of "the other side of the river" - there was one game where we were on the field for a real long time...

...and, from the shortstop position, I could have PEED to the other side of the river. Image

THAT would have been a "Remember When"-Kodak moment for a LOT of folks. :rolleyes:

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 8:22 pm
by Robbuck
Does anyone remember the guy with a spider monkey that lived about two or three houses up from the ballfield?? Nasty little beastie.. :rolleyes:

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 1:07 pm
by Beck
Wow... do I remember Long's Dairy firsthand.. My dad was a milkman for Hagg's and then went to Longs. I remember many rides in that milk truck and I was just little then. When my dad was transfered to State College to run the Long's Dairy there I rode the "whole way" over there in the Milk Truck and it was as if I went cross country! I use to come home from school every day and have a hot fudge sundae and then fall asleep under the counter ! Nothing better than being born to "the milkman".
And Beachbiker... your pictures are amazing... you should have picked me up when you went on your adventure I would have loved it... One thing that surprises me is that you didn't jump the fence at Shea Field to get an up close picture of the sign. Then again maybe you did but didn't post it (so as to stay out of jail for trespassing).

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:22 pm
by jumper56
Yes, Shea Field, and I do remember the elevated booth. And now I can smell food,were there hotdogs and candy in the booth below or was that another booth? Love the photos!! OK, I hung out there but didn't "live" near there so, that leaves me outta the 'little girl' thing. Whew!! Oh, yes, we remember that little mean monkey. My grandmother lived right across the street. The thing just wanted to pull your hair and bite you. My Aunt still lives on that street. I believe my Mom made a special call to me when the monkey died!! OK, now somebody help me here, what was the name of the store on the corner of Logan Avenue and PA Ave that had the ice cream in the little brown paper bags? Remember, you just went in and opened the top of the cooler, like a old soda cooler you reached down into, and they had the little blocks of vanilla ice cream that had been dipped in chocolate and some were rolled in nuts. Maybe 25 cents. Hey, how come my 'memories' always include food items?? Maybe I need to look into that?? Well, speaking of food, whatever, does anyone remember when Gardner's had hard, round cherry flavor candies on a bent plastic green stick that they sold as "cherries" around President's birthdays? We bought those in mass quantities and carried them to school. I love going in there, Gardners', and having those young little girls tell you "We never carried those/that" regarding something you purchased there before they were even born. Ahhhh, old age!!

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 10:02 am
by Robbuck
Thanks Patty, for validating my memory of the monkey :thumb: .. Thought maybe i was nuts.. :ahh: Wouln't be a far stretch.. :stick: LOL.. Yes i remember going into class and everyone had a little green stick sticking out of their face.. as i recall Mr. Varner didn't mind as long as you shared..

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:22 pm
by twiltz
jumper56 wrote:OK, now somebody help me here, what was the name of the store on the corner of Logan Avenue and PA Ave that had the ice cream in the little brown paper bags? Remember, you just went in and opened the top of the cooler, like a old soda cooler you reached down into, and they had the little blocks of vanilla ice cream that had been dipped in chocolate and some were rolled in nuts.
I don't remember the proper name of the store, but we always referred to it as the Corner Store. I also remember that they sold chocolate-covered frozen bananas rolled in nuts.

Re: Remember When?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:34 pm
by My2Cents
Was it "Rudy's ??"