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Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:37 pm
by banksy
SANTEEO wrote:The only thing that is going to change them is time.
Alot of these kid's that dress like that are really good kid's just trying to find a place to fit in.
I talk to them when they are skate boarding on the sidewalk and I don't hear no smart mouth coming out of them.
I find it has much less to do with how they dress and more to do with committing misdemeanor crimes and felonies. Truth be told, the adult population wasn't fond of the way the youth of the 80's wore their clothes either. The point hear is that these youths in questions are committing adult crimes. Put them in a boot camp for starters.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:21 pm
Big idea for a small thought.
I was one of them kid's at that age.
If grown men broke down in a boot camp,then how do you think a young kid could take it?
These are kid's Terry,weren't you ever a kid? :stick:
Why don't you just teach them more hate while your at it?
Then you will see the crime rate triple. :mob:
When I grew up I did go to boot camp.
What's your excuse? :nuts:

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:50 pm
by banksy
SANTEEO wrote:Big idea for a small thought.
I was one of them kid's at that age.
If grown men broke down in a boot camp,then how do you think a young kid could take it?
These are kid's Terry,weren't you ever a kid? :stick:
Why don't you just teach them more hate while your at it?
Then you will see the crime rate triple. :mob:
When I grew up I did go to boot camp.
What's your excuse? :nuts:
I don't need any excused... I'm not burning churches, stealing, and shooting heroin in my veins. They are kids only by age, not by committing major felonies. I'm not suggesting a boot camp to the point it ruins them, I would expect them to be appropriate for their intent.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:52 pm
by banksy
SANTEEO wrote:Big idea for a small thought.
I was one of them kid's at that age.
If grown men broke down in a boot camp,then how do you think a young kid could take it?
These are kid's Terry,weren't you ever a kid? :stick:
Why don't you just teach them more hate while your at it?
Then you will see the crime rate triple. :mob:
When I grew up I did go to boot camp.
What's your excuse? :nuts:
Since you want to name me by name, why not come out from behind your shroud?

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:02 pm
:jester: :rofl: :nuts: :rofl:

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:23 pm
by banksy
SANTEEO wrote::jester: :rofl: :nuts: :rofl:
That's what I thought.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:31 am
by RedhairNFreckles
I know Tyrone has a problem with crime and I really hate that. My memories of Tyrone are all childhood and pre-teen memories, all good. But I must say this, be grateful that you live there and not here in Florida where I live. In my west coast county, almost every week, there are what they call "home invasions" where in broad daylight or while you're sleeping at night, these punks will kick in your door and either rob, rape or kill. OK, many of these crimes are drug related but that still gives me no sense of security living here, even if it is in a no-crime subdivision. Just as soon as the real estate market gets a little better, I'm putting my house on the market and getting the heck outta here! It's back to the rural mountains of NC for me, for good.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:13 am
by 150thBucktailCo.I
As one who had worked in a juvenile "bootcamp" facility on the Franklin/Adams county border up on South Mountain in the past, I can honestly tell you that they sound more omnimous than they really are. Mainly because of the state laws that are in place. Staff can't touch the kids without being investigated for abuse regardless if they were assaulted or not. Pretty much, if a boot camp trooper acts out in a physical manner or assaults somebody and needs to be restrained or whatever, the staff who had to intervene or protect themselves are the ones who are investigated following an incident. So, real story is that the kids can touch staff pretty much without getting into too much trouble, but the minute staff puts their hands on the kid, they are setting themselves up for an investigation for abuse.

Typically, when I was there, the courts were using boot camps as a type of ARD program. Most of the kids sent to boot camps were urban kids (meaning Philly/DE areas, Harrisburg/York/Lancaster areas, Baltimore areas, DC area, Pitt area, NYC area - you do PA crime and get caught, you do PA time). And the majority of these kids were part of gangs, and were black and hispanic. There were white kids there, but most of these where rural/suburban kids who attempted to be "black" from what they learned on MTV and other TV programs. Usually, the rural kids had real hard times because they were the minority and were viewed as "posers", and caught most of the "abuse" from the other boot camp troopers. Also, they had no gang affiliation so they were pretty much alone. The rural kids' crimes were mainly stuff like different forms of abuses (sex and drugs), petty crimes, and arsons. Typically, the gangers in the camp were the ones who had dealt drugs and they don't have a lot of respect for the users. The suburban kids did a little better than the rural mainly because they typically had some experiences with other races and gangs from where they resided.

A large number are repeat offenders were being sent to bootcamp by the court system because: A) the system was overloaded. B) their lastest crime wasn't severe, but because they were a repeat offender they needed to do some time. C) they had somehow copped a deal with the justice system in hopes of avoiding jail time. Sometimes with under 18 year old first offenders, if they successfully completed their time at boot camp, their records would be cleared.

Now, for a lot of these repeat offenders, particularly the inner city gang kids, boot camp was like a vacation. Get sent here for about a few months, you get clothes, warm showers, warm meals, and a place to sleep (that's semi-secure) and they pretty much didn't have to worry about being shot or stabbed. If you can fight well with your fists or had other members of your gang in the platoon, then you are even safer. Pretty much, these kids just had to go through the motions of what the regulations of the camp were, say "yes sir, no sir", and they'd be left alone for the most part. However, I will freely admit that boot camp does have its share of daily physical altercations, and it is very volatile often which leads to a great deal of stress, particularly for the staff. Especially when rival gang members decide to war on each other or on the staff. And the type of language commonly spoken is not appropriate.

Most of boot camp troopers would tell me that being in boot camp was much more fun then being locked up in a cell. They get to march around, go to "school", usually play sometype of game once or twice a day (maybe more if they were on good behavior and had displayed that they could be trusted). During their time of "therapy" to see if they had learned the "errors of their ways", these kids knew exactly what to say (but usually not mean it) to the therapist, case manager, or their P.O. to get released on time and not get extended.

Honestly, boot camp is a good thing for a small percentage of kids who get in trouble. First offenders who come from a stable home life. Those kids you can "scare" back onto the right track because they already know what type of behavior is expected of them. The opposite of those are just there to "vacation" and as soon as they get back to their regular environment, they are back to their old ways.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:29 am
150thBucktailCo.I wrote:boot camp is a good thing for a small percentage of kids

I agree.
But......I don't see it working for Tyrone kid's.
Put them all together and make them work on the roads or paint building's and fix up what they ruin.
It gives them a reason not to destroy their own work only to have to do it over and over again.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:24 pm
by My2Cents
Bootcamps are only a quick fix by the courts in order to get little Johnny or Susie out of the court room and get to the next case. Depending on the area and/or location, they cost a lot of money. Like Buckeye said, being sent there probably could work for the bad mild mannered tough guy, from the small towns, who is just starting to experiment with drugs and beginning to head down the wrong pathway.... but, they definately do not work for the kids of the Big City who have already been down the wrong path and know all the in's and out's. As a matter of fact they could give the newby's clues on how to do things once they are out of there.
However, with that said...I think this bootcamp thing is good for a starter... for all teenagers who have committed a crime. (unless it's a very bad crime). Then, once the individual is out of there they should be givin the following fare warnings upon discharge from the bootcamp. Everything based on a 10 year increment.
#1. Upon discharge they are to return to school/ job.
#2. If they do anything illegal, from the day they are discharged, within the next 10 years they will immediately be put into a rehab center for 12 months depending on the crime.
#3. While in the rehab center a tracking device will be implanted into there arm.
#4. While in the rehab center they will have no contact what-so-ever with anyone (including parents) until their 12 months is over.
#5. After being released, If they are still a school student... they will automatically be set back one year.
#6. After 10 years... they will report back for a 2 week re-evaluation.
#7. If they are found to have become a person in good standing in their community the tracking device could then be removed and their record be filed in history.
#8. From that time on they can be considered "free."
#9. However, should anything at all occur in their future life, that has any sign of illegality they should automatically be considered a threat to society and put away for life with HARD LABOR. No excuses.
If something like this can be drummed into little Johnny and Little Susie as they are growing up... maybe, just maybe they may think twice about their future. In the meantime, while all of this is being drummed in.... listen to your kids and love them, teach them respect and dicipline. It's just too bad parents aren't allowed to smack 'em up the side of the head once in a while.... it worked for a good many generations of people !!! Everybody got a smack once in a while and it didn't hurt a thing except it brought little Johnny or Susie down off their pedestal and back into the reality of respect, dicipline, and who's in charge here !!

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 4:59 pm
Excellent way to put it,My2Cents. :thumb:

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:52 am
by Beck
Only two of these "theives" were juveniles, so what do we do with the "adults"? I think jail would scare me enough to make me clean up my act, but maybe they weren't in there long enough. These kids are all still running together. I see them everyday.. being loud and obnoxious. Their dress has no affect on how I veiw these kids but their lack of manners and their foul mouths do. I don't even walk down the street past them and I've know the one since he was 2. It doesn't do much good to try and talk to them, I've done that as has a few members of my family and he just laughs. We've tried being just plain ole kind and that doesn't matter either. I'm just thankful that when my son turned 12 he knew enough to move on to other friends and let that one to his own destruction.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:31 pm
Beck wrote:Only two of these "theives" were juveniles, so what do we do with the "adults"?
Jail Them.I don't know.
Put the young ones on the street with stripe shirt's on and make them clean the town sidewalks.
When their friend's see how stupid they look and it show's other's that it's not cool to have to do that,it will be a lesson to them.
Their friend's will be laughting so hard at them,it will change there tune.
Break Em Down :thumb:

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:13 pm
by My2Cents
SANTEEO wrote:
Beck wrote:Only two of these "theives" were juveniles, so what do we do with the "adults"?
Jail Them.I don't know.
Put the young ones on the street with stripe shirt's on and make them clean the town sidewalks.
When their friend's see how stupid they look and it show's other's that it's not cool to have to do that,it will be a lesson to them.
Their friend's will be laughting so hard at them,it will change there tune.
Break Em Down :thumb:
I agree Santeeo!! They can also form chain gangs and pick up the trash along the highways... shovel snow in the winter.... clean the parks in the summer.... rake leaves in the fall !! Put their lazy butts to work.... Hard Labor with NO pay !!! Let 'em sweat !!! What ever.... that should give 'em something to "just laugh" about.

Re: Tyrone Crimewave Solved

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:26 pm
by Beck
Young Adults doing anything that involves physical labor definitely is punishment... I've never seen some of these kids lift more than a cigarette or a beer! It is sad watching them go on this downhill spiral.. I heard that the house robbery on Friday involved two of the same kids? Keep your doors and windows locked!