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Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:03 am
by PUP
Thats what I'm trying to say,to stop what ever it is and say no to drugs,these kids have to say it themselves,((((It is within.)))If they don't want to stop doing drug's in Tyrone or anywhere els,there not going to.If you take it from them and they want it bad enought,they will find it.It is a losing battle with some,so in my first post,I posted,Good Luck fixing that problem.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:18 am
by watcher
From what I can read, we seem to be saying the same things....I agree, we can't save them all....but you know what? I will keep trying until I'm dead to make a difference, and if it doesn't work, and they pursue drugs I understand. It's just so hard to let people go when they have problems....but I respect people's choices. It doesn't always mean I have to like or agree with them, but we have been given that abiltiy...some choices are better than others though...

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 6:40 am
by PUP
Yes,We agree,some you can't help.The other part I was trying to say to Rick is,Its going to take a lot of people to make a differance,not just one person.
Okay,Lets say,I want to quit smoking,one person says,Deb,please stop.That isn't going to work for me.One person can't do it.But......If 5...10...people showed up at my door and said,Deb,were here to be in your life as life time friends to get you to quit,lets all go for a walk together,I would see the support team and go with them.These kid's need a support team,a strong one,a big one,a daily program.That's what I'm saying,its so true,It takes a village to raise a child.
The YMCA was a major loss to these kid's.Replace it,give it back,but will it happen,yes,it can,if enought people show up like they did when the king pins got that pay raise,they didn't sit back,they went after them.When are we going to go after what we want as a team.Lets go team.One person,no,all of us,yes,untill then,nothing will happen.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:05 am
by watcher
ABASOLUTELY!!!! I absolutely agree with you there! The team approach is always fact, I just talked with a guy who had a wonderful idea to have the Tyrone Y building redone...and he's working on the funding now. I would LOVE to see that happen! But sometimes it's like that. One person gets the idea, then it takes a whole lot of hands to come in and see it become a reality. I think I completely agree with the idea of community. When we all have a goal, it's much easier to see it happen. And I am all about seeing things become a reality for people!! GO TEAM!!!! :thumb:

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:48 am
by Beck
Some of the people doing drugs don't have the support they need and I feel that is why they need the outside support of the community. We need to open our eyes to the addicted not just to what they do wrong. I strongly believe that there isn't enough available medical and mental help out there for them. What is available cost so much that they can't afford the recovery.
I just attended a wedding where 4 of the 5 groomsmen plus the groom were all recovering heroin addicts. I watched as they all stood together and got their pictures taken and never have I been more proud to know a group of guys. I said to another woman standing there that they are true miracles and that they are role models for the addicted. Each one has a job and 4 of them have families of their own now. They all didn't go the same route to become clean of drugs but the outcome was the same. They are true examples that with good friends and family people can overcome the hold that opiates put on a person.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:19 pm
by Leep
Its' not like when we were young, most of us had no idea there even were any drugs, cept "Weed". I don't believe i even knew anyone who smoked it...Now , there is no excuse to plead ignorance as several generations have been bombarded with this information, well two anyway... :P
Now grass is supposed to be several times more potent than it was during our reign...
But....If our kids are aware of drugs and their effects on us, and we have taken it upon ourselves to insure and ensure they have a thorough knowledge of them..we have done our job...
I remember here in Montana I walked through a crowd of young people smoking, drinking a little and If I had found my son there with a cigarette in his mouth/hand, things would not have gone well for him..
Remember, we are their parents, not their friends. And, If we do what is needed as parents, it will be a few years before they will be mature enough to realize that we were their friends even then...
They have enough friends, they needs parents, direction, and yes, discipline.

Still, there is a very small percentage that will go down that road regardless of what we do...
Prayer helps, if not them, perhaps us... :D

If my kids look back and think of me as half as good a parent as mine were, I would think that I had reached some very important milestone...

Take care:

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:11 am
by Beck
Opiate addiction has hit all family types in our area. Leep it sounds to me like your saying if your a good parent then your kids won't get addicted to drugs? correct me if I'm wrong there.. I think you know that isn't true... My son was addicted to opiates for over 2 years without my knowledge. They become very good at hiding their addiction... I look at all we've been thru as a blessing. It has made us all closer and more aware of the others around us and the needs of others. I'm not saying Oh I'm glad my son was a heroin addict but I am saying that I'm glad we learned from the situation. I would never turn my back on an addict. There are times I get frustrated with them but I've seen the results of drug addiction and also the fear and pain of withdrawal and my heart aches. Did I get mad at my son for becoming an addict YES.... but am I still mad at him NO.. that left as soon as he received help... I'm proud to say he has been clean 4 years with no relapse... he has a beautiful daughter and holds down a full time job... Do I think that I contributed to his addiction, in some ways but it wasn't because I didn't love him, or that I didn't go to church, or that I tried to be his friend and not his family. I blame his addiction on ignorance. Ignorance of not knowing that pain pills are opiates... I guess its all Live and learn.... lets just hope we all learn from our mistakes and don't make them again and again....

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 7:34 pm
by jayestewart
Has anyone applied to extreme makeover with ABC for the YMCA?

That might be soemthing they would take on.....

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:41 am
by PUP
Hi Beck,I'm so sorry about the stuff you went thur and I'm so happy you came thur and your son's doing great, :thumb:
God Love Ya for standing tall.

I agree with you,Live and Learn.
I'd like to have a dollar for everytime my heart got broke from my two kid's,on purpose or not. :(
One does good,one's an idiot at times.He's a first time dad now,and you should see this,talk about Karma,lol.. :lol:

My group buy's fuel in the winter time for the working people who don't meet the guide line's and we do Christmas Around The World for kid's,you know,like toy's and stuff.

Well,the hardest thing I go up against is family member's needing stuff.I am not allowed to run this group by law for family member's.

What a wake up call the son is going to have when it come's to all the thing's that will be needed.$$$$$$

His son is him,lol.That temper he got,well,meet your son,lol...That's what's really hard for me the most,I'm trying to say,hey,this child who didn't ask to be born is now in your life for the next 30 year's like you were in mine.Grow Up.

Omg,I love my grand children,but I am not the parent this time as I was for you.Reversed roles now baby!!!! :mrgreen:
Try getting that one thur to this guy.

I truly do,I love all kid's and care about them,I took many kid's into my home many times thur the years,kid's that were wonderful,fun loving kid's who just needed some love and attention.I took in a child with hand prints all over their butt,reported,yes,have to do that.Abuse is abuse.

To watch this son become a man,a dad,a father,is the hardest thing to watch when he take two step's forward and three back.I want to scream,then for awhile I'm happy and proud,omg,I will never be so glad to get off this merry go round.I alway's said,they were God's children first and I was picked for them to make them strong and help them make it into the best person they can be.I will do that and I'm very proud to be given the job,but at time's,I have to find what ever I can to pick me up,dust me off,and keep on going.
My meaning of a Parent
Proud/Adapt/Referee/Express/Never quit/Tolerate :thumb:

I'm Waiting On My Spell Checker Rick, :lol: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:14 am
by Beck
Pup... sounds like your house is alot like mine. Pretty much an open door policy as long as the guidelines are met.
It's amazing what something as easy as a smile or a friendly hello can do to a young person. I've seen lives change because of such a simple act. I know a kid who had a relapse and when he came and talked to me about it he said "you probably hate me" and I said No I love you more because you need more of my love...
I do agree that there is enough word of mouth, pamplets and what not out about the dangers of drug addiction. I know that people have seen first hand what drug addiction does to lives and families. They've seen actors die of it and even friends but for some reason they still think "not me". It doesn't make sense and it does make me angry but it doesn't make me love the addicted less. It's like they say "love the sinner hate the sin".. I do wish there was a real solution for it.. education, love and never turning away from someone in need. I believe in telling them the truth even if at times it hurts and tough love sometimes has to come into play, but they need to know that they are loved...
I think the police are doing an excellent job of rounding up the dealers. We just had another huge bust here in town... but now what do we do with them.. put them in jail, let them go thru withdrawal (which as I understand they do give them some medication to help with the side affects) but once they get out they still don't have the mindset to know they can live that clean life.... I wish we had better education on recovery.. My son has been in counseling for four years now but I think he will always keep up counseling. There just isn't an easy solution ...