Tyrone Community Labor Day Picnic

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Tyrone Community Labor Day Picnic

Post by pheonix »

My family and I decided to spend Labor Day at the Tyrone Community Picnic at Reservoir Park. My husband and two children and I live in State College and my parents reside in Altoona, so we thought that meeting in Tyrone seemed like a good mid-way meeting point to enjoy our day. None of us had ever attended the Labor Day Picnic, so we were excited to be able to do so this year. We arrived around 12:30pm and were having a lovely day. Although we grilled our own hamburgers to eat, we did support the Tyrone Rotary Club by purchasing chances to win the Penn State tickets that they were giving away and we also purchased apple dumplings from the Boy Scout Troop. After we finished our meal and packed up our cars, we headed over to the pond to do some fishing. My father had emptied out the coals on his small cast iron grill (that had been handed down to him from his own father), but could not put the grill into his trunk because it was still warm. He set the grill beside the stone fireplace in pavillion #3 and headed down to the pond. We fished for about an hour and a half and our day was still very enjoyable. Upon arriving back at our cars around 5:00pm, we discovered that my father's grill had been stolen. We asked the maintenance man who was gathering up the garbage if he had seen it, and he had not. We were in disbelief to think that someone at a community picnic would actually steal somebody else's grill when there were so many people around! If anyone happens to find this grill, please kindly let me know because the grill was sentimental to my father. For those of you who organized the picnic, you did a great job. It's just a shame that our day was ruined at the very end!
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Re: Tyrone Community Labor Day Picnic

Post by exbellwoodian »

Wow. That is truly a shame. The things some people will do to others. There is a growing population of people that don't respect others and don't respect the law. The worse our economy gets, the more of these people we will see. Crime is increasing in our area and we as citizens NEED to stand up and do something about it. We can't be afraid to stick up for what's right and confront these idiots when we see them. You touch my stuff.....I break your face...it's that simple.

I hope you find your grill, and on behalf of all of the GOOD people of Tyrone, I appologize for the idiot that took your stuff. He/She does not represent the entire town, just a few bad eggs.
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Re: Tyrone Community Labor Day Picnic

Post by Leep »

I live in Montana now but I too would like to express my condolences for your sobering experience.
It used to be small towns were better than this.. I always believed and still do that whatever people do is usually an expression of how they were raised and by the people they associated with outside the home. While a good homelife is no guarantee that one will follow those teachings whenever they are outside that area, it still provides a moral compass.

I still remember the shame I had , at twelve, when i allowed myself to be swayed by a friend to steal several comic books from the 5 and 10..
I also remember vividly my mother marching me right down to the store to confess my sins to the owner and give them back.

I can understand the temptations a kid can succumb to, but I am continually astonished by the number of adults who are willing to ruin their good names and end up with the stigma of thief to steal something almost worthless from Wal Mart or some other store. Just does not make any sense to me whatsoever..
Again, I am sorry for what you went through and especially sorry for your father..
take care..
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