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Tyrone Police Department and Greg Ray Termination

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:40 pm
by harry09
Where do I sign up for the 24 hr home protection program being offered by Tyrone PD? The Chief has it. Why can’t I get it? Just drive up and down Cameron ave a couple of times and you will be talking to Tyrone’s most corrupt. If they watch his house all night then they should watch mine. Why are my tax dollars being wasted on this BS!!!! :mob:

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:37 am
by banksy
Why don't you explain what the heck you are talking about.[quote][/quote]

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:42 am
by kilnoperator
I'd like to be in on this too. Is it something I missed in the Herald?

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:29 am
by Tapout9947
Every cop involved with that, including the "chief" should be fired and never allowed to be a cop in this town or any other town..To make false statement about someone like they did Greg is wrong..Greg , Jess and Matt are all gettin a raw deal...Just cause they didnt play along with the Chief's "witch hunt" Jess is being wrongfully accused of a bunch of crap and Matt isnt gettin any more hours..if u ask me those too should be given a pay raise..Seems to me they where the only ones being real cops..surprised it took this long for this topic to come up.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:50 am
by BeachBiker
Is there a published story about this, perhaps a link? Or maybe fill us in?

I had heard something about Greg a few weeks ago - other than that, those of us now living outside the area (and maybe some folks in Tyrone too) have no idea what the heck you're talking about.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:00 am
by Bill Latchford
I will only remind everyone that this is a personnel issue within the Borough, which means you will only get one side of the story out here.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:08 am
by harry09
When is someone going to ask the Chief questions? Why is everone except the golden boys being investigated for something?? I have heard that the chief was even asking questions to scum bags about Ptlm. Mayes and Ptlm Rhoades..........They want it to be the 3 man police force!!! It is a shame that this all started over the question "WHY??"

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:50 pm
by banksy
I have a question. WHAT? Can someone please post what is at issue here.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:12 pm
by SoccerMom
Here's an article about it from the Mirror. There were several in the Herald as well, too bad our local news can't be posted here anymore.

Wife: Police investigation a ‘witch hunt’
Supporters say Tyrone officer Greg Ray being harassed by ongoing drug allegations

By Greg Bock,
POSTED: December 16, 2008 Save | Print | Email

TYRONE - Supporters of a Tyrone Borough police officer caught up in an internal investigation spoke out Monday night against what they say are coercive tactics and harassment by private investigators hired by officials on a ''witch hunt.''

Christy Ray, wife of 18-year police force veteran Greg Ray, scolded Borough Council for the investigation of her husband - one she said has been going on for more than a year and is a repeat of a fruitless investigation 10 years ago into allegations Ray sold drugs from his police cruiser.

''My husband has a lot of faults, but drugs are not one of them,'' she said.

She accused Police Chief Joe Beachem of orchestrating a ''witch hunt'' against Ray, who also is the police union liaison with the borough, and she said while council members have been asking questions about the investigation, no one has bothered to talk with Greg Ray.

Borough officials, including Beachem, declined to comment on the internal investigation brought up during the public comment period of Monday's council meeting. Mayor Jim Kilmartin confirmed that the borough was looking into a personnel issue within the police department but said he wasn't at liberty to discuss the matter.

''I'm sick of this fantasy world,'' said Troy Walk, borough resident and fiance of full-time borough police officer Jessica Barlick, who he said has suffered repercussions for not agreeing with the investigation and providing borough officials with what they wanted.

Walk said there were ''some serious, serious'' problems with the tactics employed by the borough police administration, including offers to ''let people out of DUIs'' if they helped get evidence against Ray.

''It's intimidation all the time,'' Walk said of the scrutiny of Ray and anyone who doesn't toe the line in the investigation. ''Who's going to stick up for us?''

Kylee Wallace told the council that her fiancee, part-time officer Matt Plummer, has been blackballed for not giving a statement against Ray, and while he's now collecting unemployment, Tyrone is advertising for part-time officers.

Ray defended her husband by noting that he has passed every drug test given and volunteered to undertake further, more stringent testing, but the intrusion into their lives continues.

''He's served the people of this community for 18 years, and this is how you repay him,'' Ray said as she explained that the investigation is harming his reputation in the community.

Mirror Staff Writer Greg Bock is at 946-7446.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:20 pm
by Tapout9947
Bill Latchford wrote:I will only remind everyone that this is a personnel issue within the Borough, which means you will only get one side of the story out here.
from what i understand they had the option to reply to all the statements made about them and they all had " no comment"..therefore that is why u will only here one side of the story. I wish they ,especially the chief would come out and tell us his side of the story but u know that isnt gonna happen.. I think it is crap that the chief holds a grudge against a guy ( matt plummber) because he said he never saw Greg do anything illegal, and would not sign a paper sayin he did..I may be a little bias here cause Matt is engaged to my sister but I believe he is gettin screwed .....people in this town have a problem with Greg cause he actually gets out of his squad car and interacts with the tyrone youth..i know he use to stop and talk too us all the time. He treated us with respect..he didnt rub his badge in our face and try to intimidate us ..And when something happened in town and we heard about it he would ask us and and we would tell him what we knew..he has been with tyrone alot longer the the chief and i hope he continues to be with us and the chief takes a hike..

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:11 pm
by Bill Latchford
Whatever comes of this whole mess, it will not be good....No Matter What. :(

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:37 pm
by Christy

There is plenty more to this, none of it good for the Borough. Council has only heard one side of it also and it is all lies. If Council believes that the Private Investagators were unbiased, well they got another thing coming. The Borough's investigation was very prejudicial. It will all come out in the end. It is a shame that this is going to cost the Borough a lot more money than it already has. It's unfortunate that Council was to inept to address the situation months ago. Oh, that's right, Council wasn't aware because the Borough Manager took it upon herself to authorize everything.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:52 pm
Maybe those 3 will get the hint that they are not WANTED in Tyrone and we can have a fair well party cuz im pretty sure that the WONT BE missed. They would be doing tyrone a favor.

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:57 pm
by Rhoades
FYI..........Then only "dirty" cops in this town are the chief and his "posse"! My brother is a police officer in town and he is seeing how personal this issue is because he is friends with Greg, Jessica, and Matt. Why is it ok for the chief to cut his hours because they get along with his coworkers, and won't lie for the Chief. That is stupid and immature. I didn't realize that our police chief was two! This town needs to wake up and see what is really going on at the station, before these three cops are the only three cops in town. Yes Bill you are right things are only going to get worse, that is as long as Chief Beachem, Matt Lutz, and Josh Franks are still employed in Tyrone. They should all be fired, but before they go they should have to publicly apologize to Greg, Jessica, and Matt!
Come on Tyrone wake up and get these pathetic, so called police officers out of our town!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Tyrone PD

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:09 pm
by SoccerMom
This whole situation is terrible! I may not know all the issues, or "both sides" of the story, but I do know this: a police force this disfunctional cannot possibly be giving 100 percent to those they are supposed to be serving, the citizens of Tyrone. And as an added bonus, they get to pay for this soap opera! Unbelievable!