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Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:29 pm
by JandHreaderr2003
Is anyone from Tyrone familiar with The PRIDE Teleathon that is an annual event in Huntingdon? Where the money that is raised on the Teleathon stays in Huntingdon and helps people that are disabled and goes to the community to help with things like the community center in Huntingdon and other things through out the community. Has anyone ever thought of doing something like this for TYRONE? That way enough money would be raised possibly to help with things like getting the YMCA back into the town, and bring the community togather alittle more. Possibly help the local businesses too. I have thought and thought about how this town gets a bad rap for alot of things, but if people would try to change that around maybe Tyrone could grow more and more and get a better reputation and people would want to start more businesses here and not want to avoid Tyrone. Back in the day Tyrone was one of the big towns where there were tons of shops and places to go, and things to do, I know Altoona is right up the road for the movies and such, but we could bring more to this town if the community would get more involved. So would anyone ever consider doing something like Huntingdon does in this town to bring the community more togather and help more people out?? Is there anyone that would like to do this?? Please let me know and we can possibly help get more positive :D things to happen in this town!! Well let me know!! :h

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:46 pm
by bossman
sorry to say this if the mayor was getting something out of this $$$$$ Im sure he would be more then happy to try to bring something into this town. but with some of the things going on right now I dont think anything would come to this town. NEW mayor, council , cheif would have to come first. anyways good luck

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:50 pm
by JandHreaderr2003
Yea I know what you mean about the whole mess, and about the mayor getting something out of it, well thats not really what I was thinking. I just know that Tyrone could be a better place and hopefully more people can see past all the negatives and see what this town could really be!! Well thanks for the reply. :flag:

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:46 pm
by My2Cents
The biggest problem we have in downtown Tyrone is the fact that it is in a flood plain. That fact, in itself, will deter most business folks from taking a chance in investing a lot of their money in setting up shop any where near the flood plain. If downtown Tyrone is to survive and thrive once more, flood control is a must. It should be top priority, a fix is needed now, for it is way overdue. IF this wind farm goes in, (which I pray it doesn't) it should be in exchange for flood control and NOT a recreation center !!! We can always get a recreational center !! First things first... once flood control is established.... then, and only then, will our downtown be able to survive and flourish.

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:59 pm
by Rick
Great idea. As for some for some of the above comments, I ask that you please keep this thread on topic. We had dedicated threads already in-discussion to address your concerns, noted above.

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:34 am
by My2Cents
JandHreaderr2003 wrote:Yea I know what you mean about the whole mess, and about the mayor getting something out of it, well thats not really what I was thinking. I just know that Tyrone could be a better place and hopefully more people can see past all the negatives and see what this town could really be!! Well thanks for the reply. :flag:
Persevere and never lose your thought of "getting past the negatives and see what this town could really be" JandH. Keep your positive attitude.... go to the council meetings and express your ideas to those who count. Thank goodness there are still folks, such as you, who truly care about our town and it's future. Our town needs flood control first and formost. With flood control in place... the sky's the limit !! :thumb:

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:45 am
by JandHreaderr2003
Thank you MY2Cents. I will always try to keep it positive. Well thats an idea about the council meetings, however at the present time the time that the meetings are held, are the time I am working. I am trying to change that to be able to work all daylight hours. So I can attend these meetings. And I have to agree with the flood control. That is something that should have been addressed along time ago, so I guess we could work on that. Nothing is impossible and life isn't limited I was always taught that if you put your mind to something and work hard at it you can accomplish alot!! But hey if there is any ideas about flood control and or how would you go about getting things done PLEASE let me know!! Like you said first things first and if that is the start to building a better town for a better future for our children then lets start with the flood problem. Again thanks for the start of some ideas. And I look forward to trying to help our community!! Again thanks for the reply!!

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:00 am
by JandHreaderr2003
Rick wrote:Great idea. As for some for some of the above comments, I ask that you please keep this thread on topic. We had dedicated threads already in-discussion to address your concerns, noted above.

I am just alittle confused about the "Threads" your talking about?? I am alittle stupid when it comes to somethings. LOL... But I hope that your not taking anything I said to be offensive. I am not trying to be offensive to anyone, however trying to be objective and open minded and taking in all the knowledge that I can about how to make things better and get a better image in peoples heads about this town. Because when I go to work or started a new job 3 years ago... People ask where I am from and I say "TYRONE" and they just either roll their eyes and or say "UMM UMM, well you know I heard this, and I heard that." I just get tired of feeling like I have to defend myself and my family because we live in Tyrone, I want my children who is going to be growing up here and going to school, to not have to defend the fact that they live in Tyrone, but to be proud to say that.
However I don't want you to be thinking I am being offensive or trying to put anyone down and I appologize if I have given that impression. But if you could explain to me what "Threads" you are talking about?

I would like to get more involved about how to start something like the "PRIDE TELETHON" that is held in Huntingdon. That would be awesome and maybe the money that could be raised could help with the start of a good thing and that is flood control, Well hope again I didn't offend anyone and I am looking forward to more information and hearing more!!

Thanks again!! :w

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:18 am
by My2Cents
I believe that was my fault... he's talking about mentioning that word.... or discussing that word... " wind mills".... on this particular thread....there's already a thread for that.

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:48 pm
by Rick
JandHreaderr2003 wrote:
Rick wrote:Great idea. As for some for some of the above comments, I ask that you please keep this thread on topic. We had dedicated threads already in-discussion to address your concerns, noted above.

I am just alittle confused about the "Threads" your talking about?? I am alittle stupid when it comes to somethings. LOL... But I hope that your not taking anything I said to be offensive. I am not trying to be offensive to anyone...
Not a problem at all. Our board consists of numerous forums (Community, Poetry, Sports) which are comprised of numerous threads (or topics) per forum (YMCA, Wind Turbines, Name that Tune). It is a common courtesy in online communities to not "hijack" a thread by bringing in another topic, especially one that already has a thread dedicated to discussing it. We have some very passionate people on our site, that can sometimes let their passions spill over into every discussion, no matter what the topic is. It draws attention away from your original question, and takes your thread down another path it was not intended to go. You're good to to go, I'm just trying to kep your original topic in mind.
My2Cents wrote:I believe that was my fault... he's talking about mentioning that word.... or discussing that word... " wind mills".... on this particular thread....there's already a thread for that.
:wink: :thumb:

:fogey: Carry On!

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:47 pm
by My2Cents
:w :mrgreen: :thumb:

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:07 am
by Leep
One roadblock that most probably haven't thought much about is the people that made Tyrone great..For the most part they are gone now, sadly so. Our fathers and mothers and their fathers and mothers..There is a lot of truth to the analogy that they were the best generation. What I am referring to is the WW2 generation and their parents..
Where a man worked and the Mom stayed home and took care of the kids. Where the kids could go "outside" and stay out all day and no one had to worry about them.

Kids said "Yes Sir and "No Sir" because they were taught those qualities by both parents..
Kids went to school and if they dared talk back to a teacher and got into trouble, they got it again when they got home.

Those men and women made Tyrone great....When we lost their mothers and fathers and ours followed , we lost the bedrock that Tyrone was built on..
My generation still held forth those fine qualities, but somewhere between us and our children that tenuous thread was lost, perhaps irretrievably.. I wish I knew why, for I do not. I do know that I/we tried to instill that same sense of decency and commonality we were taught, but somehow it didn't always take, and the consequences were/are serious..
Something great and fine was lost when we lost that generation and I fear that we too were/are sometimes floundering in our attempts to carry out what we were taught.
Even though we still remember what we were taught and still have that desire to live our lives according to those tenets, perhaps we, certainly I,have lost some of that desire, perhaps a better word is ability, to keep up with what we have learned at their knees....
When people begin each day with the determination to better themselves without concern for others around them, then all have lost..and nothing good is accomplished.

Those summer days when neighbors, not people, neighbors sat on their porches and talked back and forth across the streets to one another, while watching theirs and someone elses kids playing about...
When men worked and worked hard just to put food on the table and had d*mn little left over for anything else, and still took solace and comfort in their families and the friends they had who most certainly were in the same boat as everyone else...
But there was a sense of pride in those men and well deserved it was.. Most had just come home from a terrible war and would carry those scars all the days of their lives..Most certainly those that were inside..

I fear that sense of decency and goodness and pride and genuine caring for your families and neighbors has been bred out of most of us..for whatever reason..
Not that there aren't still good decent people around, as can be seen by this forum, but there is just so much that can be done to stand against a mind set that is so foreign to that which we were taught and have lived our lives by...
I am absolutely confident if our parents were still alive and strong, both in mind and body, not only would we see a change in how we live and respond to adversity, but few if any could stand against their combined will, their sense of right and wrong..Few would dare... and fewer still would succeed.

Some may think that I am dwelling too much in the past, and perhaps they are right, in some small way.....But history, both in books and newspapers and the stories that were told for many many years, across streets and back porches, would be a testament to the truthfulness of these words, as awkward as they sometimes seem..
Certainly the argument can be made that there are still men and women of that same caliber in Tyrone today, only a fool would dispute this. But, what they have to overcome is just too much....People, and this stands for good people especially, seldom stand up, at least together..It takes a catastrophe of sorts before good people will and can be moved...Most hope things will get better on their own..It seldom does...
Still others need that spark, that someone who can move the masses, regardless of how small the "Masses" may be..Usually though, when we find one that can accomplish this, or they find us, their agenda is much different than ours.

There have been only a handful throughout history that we can look back on and say< "I wish that man were here today, he would do the "Right Thing"..

Oh, one other thing, that a lot of people are a little reticent, nay uncomfortable about discussing is the lack of or disappearance of God in our lives...
Perhaps that is the single biggest reason we, as a society, have deteriorated as badly as we have.. Regardless of your religious persuasion, or lack thereof, when our parents raised us with a respect and yes even a fear of God, also recognized in the classroom, life and Tyrone, and America was a better place to live...
Doesn't matter whether you believed or not, the rules and the things our parents stressed and taught us, based on those commandments and regulations, made us a better kid, a better family and better town, a better community..a better America..
You simply cannot subtract all these things I have mentioned/stressed here and expect to have a town any different than we do.

Anyway, this is my rambling, disconnected set of memories and beliefs...But I know my Grandma and my Grandpap and My Mom and Dad would not stand for any of this today and neither would yours.. So, for me, the connection and analogy makes perfect sense..I lived it, as did they..And, I learned from all of them.. and I live my life by those same set of rules....
I remember once when my Dad said something very profound to me..I was about thirteen and was probably bemoaning the fact that I did not have what my friends had..He said, "Boy, we don't have much, we might even be poor, but by God we have our name and our pride and that will sustain you until you are old enough to do something about it.." Another time, Dad said, "Boy, remember this, If your words no good, you're no good".

Pretty insightful and intelligent words from a man named "Rags Leeper" a man who quit high school early to join the army to fight for his country, as did his brothers Faye and Fred and their first cousin Harry Leeper. As did hundreds of other good men in our town..
They are gone now, for the most part..But I have lived all my adult life by those words my father gave me...and tried to growing up...

That's why I say if we all had those very good men back here today, life and our town would be very much like it was when we were all growing up.. Men like your Fathers and women like your Mothers and grandparents like we had when were were small..

It is not nostalgia talking, just a forlorn wish for better times, better days, maybe a time capsule we could all go back in together and relive those days, those lives, that generation again...

You all have memories and stories much like the one I just told here tonight. And who among us is not a better man or woman for them?

Leep Out:

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:16 pm
by watcher
Very well expessed, Leep! Certainly, I think we still want to believe our hearts are in the right place, but a lot of times, just the business and "life" crowds out our desires. Thanks for your thoughts! :h

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:45 pm
by kilnoperator
Amen Leep. Thats the most profound thing I've read here and 100% on the money. This world / little town of ours has changed and not for the better. I, like you, miss those old days and old ways.

Re: Make Tyrone a better town...

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:36 pm
by oldguy
Jant i like your idea about wanting to get the town back to the way it was. He are a few things that need to be done before you can do that. First you have to get the building owners to fix their properties. This won't get done because the buildings are old, to fix them up would cost too much, they would not be able to bring them up to code. The town needs a good (not high ended) hotel/motel. I live out of town but my Mother and two sisters live there. If and when i come for a visit i have to either stay in Altoona or State Collage. That's a long distance to drive to do daily things. Yes the town could be what it once was but the building owners of the town need to do something first. I'm not sure you know this but they are going to tear down the YMCA if they can find out who owns the boiler. There is know way tyrone will be any differant than Port Matilda (run down). :banghead: