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New Top Cop

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:21 am
by curvefan
How's everybody doing?

I can't believe no one has posted about the new Chief of Police in Tyrone.

I realize it's an interim position, but I thought it would be a hot topic of conversation.

Anyone know the new C.O.P personally?

Seems awful young. Maybe that's a good thing???

Let's hear it guys.

Re: New Top Cop

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:18 pm
by zapatista
Rumor has it that the Borough has asked her to write a position paper.
...local newspapers have already gotten their hands on an unverified copy.

Laying around, talking, cuddling, and laughing all night with someone who's a good friend.
Strawberries, Strawberry Shortcake, anything that's strawberry.
Hot, sunny days.
My cat, Samantha (Sam) whom I loved dearly, and I miss terribly.
Lilies, my favorite flowers, especially stargazer lilies.
The way roses smell.
Reading and writing poetry.
Sleeping in.
Being up late at night.
Being happy.
Harry Potter.

Early mornings.
Insensitive people, who refuse to attempt to understand.
People who use people.
How boring Tyrone is.
The way Mom's dog barks at nothing, for hours.
Big parties.
Bugs. Especially spiders and bees.
Biting my finger nails.
Judgemental people.
When you finally fall asleep, and the phone rings, waking you up.
Getting into the shower, only to find there isn't any hot water left.
Cold waterbeds.

Re: New Top Cop

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:22 pm
by BeachBiker
zapatista wrote:Rumor has it that the Borough has asked her to write a position paper.
...local newspapers have already gotten their hands on an unverified copy...

Hey! Hey!! HEY!!!


That is the EXACT SAME position paper I wrote, around 1978 or so, when I was on the Tyrone Police force.

Except the cat's name was "Bounce" - and it was "Archie Comics" instead of Harry Potter...

Oh - and I LIKE spiders.