more information needed

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more information needed

Post by news4u »

As I have been checking out this board , the topics and details, I have noticed that even the people who move away still try to keep in touch. I enjoying finding out about all kind of information. When I was a child, every summer vaction and every christmas my family trecked back to Tyrone to see our grandparents on both sides, Harpsters (Jake and Jane) and the Kobaks (Mary Jane and Nick). Now that I am older I came back here to live close to my parents, this small town holds good and not so good memories for all of us. I came from a city larger than Altoona with all kinds of things to do and now and again I question What the H--l did I move here for. Ha...I know someone out there can relate :D ! I am very interested in uncovering Tyrone's long lost history as well as that of the Bellwood and Antis township areas. You could say that I'm on a mission to uncover and discover all the charms of this small town. Anyone out there intrested in a boost in our economy? More jobs right here? If so please give this form your input. Who wants to become just another "ghost town"? Thanks everyone , I hope to hear from you all soon!
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