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YMCA articles on 7/25 and 8/6 Daily Herald

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:58 pm
by LnIcode
This article (and the 8/6 article) provides another example of the dereliction of duty in regards to the maintainence of the building, and the hazardous conditions allowed to exist by the present and previous Board of Directors, as well as YMCA Administrators prior to 2003, that had occurred for decades. In my opinion, it doesn't stop there, though. The borough is responsible, too, since the current code enforcement officer and a former town fire marshal never inspected the building thoroughly, if at all, prior to mid or late 2004 that I'm aware of.

An issue such as one that occurred on July 22nd is something that develops over a long period of time, not just within a year or two.

This is exactly one type of incident I was deeply concerned about occurring during my brief tenure with the Tyrone Area YMCA, and had voiced my concerns in writing and in person to the Board of Directors (and anyone else who'd listen) many, many times and was ignored and scoffed at. As a matter of fact, in my letter and video to Labor and Industry, one of the very first things I discuss and film is the disintigrating and eroding pieces of mortar that was (and definitely continues) occurring around the bricks and concrete on the facade, as well as the rest of the building. This evidence of this is easily visable just by looking at the bricks and mortar all around the building.

It'll be interesting to see if it'll be cheaper to raze the building or repair it once a structural inspection is done. When the 8/6 (Saturday) article is posted, you'll understand what I'm referring to.

I'd also like to know what the asking price is now since I believe this probably isn't a very positive selling point. It's got to be much lower than the $140,000 they were originally asking for.

Lovin' every minute of it... :lol: