When are the people of Tyrone going to get fed up?

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When are the people of Tyrone going to get fed up?

Post by Harlow »

Lets see what I have read in the past month and try to make some sense of it.

[b]The Borough wants to raise the Water and Sewage Rates for the Paper Mill. [/b]
The Paper Mill has provided over 200 jobs which means that the Borough gets income that wasn't there almost 3 years ago. These aren't minimum wage jobs either. The Borough thinks they are digging into a big pocket corporation.

The Mayor is doing everything to get the Hotel into Tyrone. I wonder what the pay scale is for the Hotel jobs will be? I bet the Paper Mill pays more. Other than Penn State Football weekends, what are the chances that any hotel in Tyrone will have more than 25% occupancy. Sounds like a place for the drug dealers to crash when they visit Tyrone to drop off their product.

It's amazing the thought process on the corner of 11th street and Logan Ave.

[b]The Borough asks Mayor Stoner to stay on as a consultant
[/b]That is what they need. She has the connections with the Hotel people and the state government. I thought that what elected leaders are supposed to do. Sounds like the Borough won't wake up and sent the Mayor to a nice peaceful retirement.

[b]The Borough hires Sharon Dannaway as Borough Manager
[/b]That was a shocker. After the Mayor ran the last Borough Manager out of town, she hand picked Mrs. Dannaway for the Interm position. Was this job ever advertised for a possible replacement? Hmm Hmmm!! Wasn't Sharon Dannaway personally recruited by the Mayor to run for Council?

I have sat through many Borough Council meetings. I have never seen a bigger group of Yes people. What ever the Mayor says, Virgie Werner, Bill Latchford, Jim Grazier, Sharon Dannaway, Jen Bryan, JR WAtson and the Mayor's hand picked replacements for Dannaway and Watson, all say YES.

[b]Jim Kilmartin as Mayor
[/b] His goal is to follow Mayor Stoner's lead. Wow! What Jim has done with the Joshua House is great for the kids. I just wonder where the funding came from. Where did the funding come for to put the MayorJimKilmartin.com website come from? At times I wish I was back at the paper and able to investigate these things. Then again, I am thankful that I am not in Tyrone living on Oodles of Noodles because that was all I could afford at the paper.

I wonder if anyone has any thoughts. I wonder if anyone in Tyrone actually cares. I love my hometown, but it is one of the most apathetic places I have ever been.

Take care


Post by djbigdawg1 »

Here's a perspective from a current resident of good ol' Tyrone.

The new proposal to the Paper Mill is a farce in my eyes. Like John stated about the deep financial pockets at the Mill, the borough council is far off on their raising the water/ sewage rate toward the Mill. Can the owners and borough come to some type of agreement about a raise in rates AND usage to please both parties to make a great working relationship? With Mayor Stoner and her "followers" on council, i do not think so. They are dead set on getting this rate increase, so that they recoup their so-called losses. This will cause waves between council and Mill ownership, if it hasn't happened already. Word of advice to council.......you cannot sqeeze blood from a stone, so don't try now. These guys are trying to make a living and keeping a business in town for the townspeople of Tyrone. Just remember that a few years ago, council was trying to help and assist Mill ownership in starting up the Mill again after their closing. Try to work things out by negotiations not Nazi tactics by demanding the rate increase.

Next is the subject about the great and grand Hotel project that hasn't really materialize yet. I agree with John about his thoughts on the Hotel. After the 6-7 weekends of home Penn State football games, what will bring the people to Tyrone to stay at our Hotel? hmmmmm....lets think about that....maybe Distinguished Alumni weekend?....maybe Octoberfest?....Harvestfest?.....Railfest? Am I getting warm? At that count, 10-11 weekends are taken and only 41-42 to go. And thats not counting weekdays. The only people that I can figure will use the Hotel is the drug dealers. What will Hotel ownership do to protect the good citizens of Tyrone from this happening.....drug sniffing dogs at the door?

Now onto the subject of asking Mayor Stoner to be a consultant to council. Did they really need to anounce thru the Herald that they asked her? Did the paper really need to print this? I say NO. All they should have done was put her on speed dial and let her off to her happy retirement. Mayor Stoner will still be an influence on council after she leaves office. She has her "hand-picked" manager on staff and her "appointed" council members still there. I feel sorry for Bill Fink being the lonewolf on council. Word of advice to Stoner, lay off the man; he is entitled to his opinions and questionings, just like you. Just because he and some others within town doesn't agree with many things you say or do, don't berate them or question THEIR loyalties (didn't think people still remember you questioning Fink about leaving town for years and come back??....i do)

The town might look better but it's still only cosmetic. We need some small shops in town (and to stay in town). We need the building owners to rethink their "rent rates" for the small business owners so they stay IN town. We don't need more beauty shops, barber shops, pizza places and craft shops. I know that a few "kids" in town now have to travel out of town for trading cards, to play pool or bowl and even shop. Doesn't anyone miss the days of Ames Dept. store, West End Lanes, Mikes Cut-Rate, Downtowner, Harpster's store, Villa, Coachlite, 3 options of grocery stores in town (Rays Riverside, IGA and Foodland)? I surely do!

Maybe council should look into attracting a department store instead of a Hotel, negotiate with Paper Mill about rates and just put soon-to-be ex Mayor Stoner on speed dial........just some random thoughts, or maybe i went on a tangeant and vented. Maybe i should run for mayor on the write-in ballot votes? Mayor BigDawg....hmmmm....nice ring 2 it.
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Post by Harlow »


Now you need to get out and make sure that you vote on Election Day.

She still has some hand picked people that she is trying to run through before she goes away into her consultant position.

The question, is this going to be on the borough payroll? Will the Borough be reimbursing her for her services? Will she be conducting Borough business without being elected? Will she have an office in the Borough building?

I think Pat Stoner wakes up every morning thinking about what can she do to make Tyrone better. The thing is when you are a senior citizen, you don't look far enough ahead.

What will happen when I-99 comes through? Will the Borough be prepared for businesses wanting to leave the high cost of State College? Is anyone looking forward to 2010 or even further?

It is time that people of our generation start getting involved. It is starting with the School Board with Amy Stever getting elected. Tyrone needs people who will be forward thinkers and can survive the Stoner Attacks.

She didn't like what I had to say, so she attacked me. She doesn't like what Bill Fink has to say, so she attacks him. The same for Greg Bock and even Sam Zema. The list is long and distinguished.

Please Tyrone, do something.
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Post by Blain »

I had a great idea but I can't seem to get any traction. I want to hire drifters to float around the downtown area and creep out the residents of the area between 14th street and 13th street, between logan and pennsylvania avenues. Drifters work cheap, usually for food and cheap wine. Once we drive those people out of their homes, and that big blue crack and heroin den on the corner, we can bulldoze the entire block, and build the hotel right there.

The drifters will then be hired to run the hotel and clean the rooms, with the same pay they were getting to creep out the residents. They'll live in the empty rooms of the hotel for 40 weeks a year, and move out on the streets during Penn State Football season. They'll cover themselves with cardboard and peanut shells and live in the alleys. The Sheetz people will feed them expired Shmuffins and Shmiscuts and Burgerzzzzzzzz.

Then those drifters will move on out to Snyder township and all become zoning officers, because they work cheap - usually for food and cheap wine, like the Snyder Township commisioners.

What say you?
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Post by Rick »

Blain wrote:What say you?
ROFLMAO, what kind of wine?
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Post by Blain »

Mad Dog, maybe Malt Duck, something really cheap. We don't have a big budget for Project: Drifter.

Post by DudeDescendingStaircase »

Dear raging drift-a-phobe:
For your information, it is Cold Duck, not Malt Duck, as I am sure I do not know what that is.
Also. As a third-generation "drifter," as you call it in your negative parlance, I am insulted by the inaccurate portrayal of "migratory non-working adults (MNWA)."
We have not used peanut shells as a form of cover. This is an urban legend. Thems make good eatings and would not be a standard form of weatherization for the MNWA.
I will further note the many so-called "drifters" who made this country great. Johnny Appleseed, Charles Manson, The Indian from the Village People, Scott Baio, and the Coyote. (I realize the Coyote is a cartoon, but it's important to recognize the impact of drifters on popular culture.)
Also. Please tell me more about the Snyder Township positions as it is October and I am looking to winter in those parts.
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Post by Blain »

Come down and put your name on the sign-up sheet in the alley behind the big blue crack and heroin den on 14th Street and Logan Ave. Let me know what kind of jug you prefer.

We're going to get Project: Drifter off of the ground!
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Post by banksy »

Personally I think you all would find that a hotel in Tyrone would work out very well. Don't be so narrow sighted to think that the only people who would stay in Tyrone would be people going to a PSU Fooball game and other events in Tyrone.

Business travellers who are in sales and want to cover both Altoona and St. College could find Tyrone a good place to sit between the sites. I travel a lot for business and find myself in little towns ALL THE TIME. I just got bck from a small town called Parker, Arizona. It is a very small town, SMALLER than Tyrone and it has a Best Western hotel which does just fine.

Push out the hotel and keep status quo and you will get exactly what you have now. I am not saying a hotel solves all the problems, but it helps more than it would hurt.

Post by DudeDescendingStaircase »

It may be narrow sighted to think it's just traveling salesmen populating that best western in Parker.
You should point out that Parker Arizona is a popular tourist destination situated on a lake and the Colorado River. Parker dam is a recreation center attracting thousands of tourists, boaters, campers, etc.
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Post by banksy »

Good point. So let me ask you, do you think a hotel is wrong for Tyrone? Will it hurt the community to have it?
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Post by Blain »

I don't think Tyrone can support a hotel. I don't believe that any developer would find it a viable business upon some kind of feasiblity study. A hotel, even a small one, isn't an inexpensive prospect.

It might not hurt the town, but I don't think it would help. And, for those anti big-business types (you know, the kind that doesn't want a Wal-Mart because it will hurt the little guy), a hotel would likely take business away from the two or three really nice bed-and-breakfasts that are currently in Tyrone.
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Post by banksy »

I am not so sure it would impact the bed and breakfast, although for proof of that we would need input from the B&B people.

I would guess that people who use a B&B Woud do so over the hotel because they like the experience. Me personally, I would rather drive to Altoona than stay in a B&B, I just don't like the atmosphere. Other like it and perhaps because of this a hotel could be insignifigant to the B&B market.

I would assume that any hotel would do a feasability study PRIOR to any type of committment. If that were done, and they returned that it would be profitable, how would you feel about the hotel going in? For, against, and why?

I am obviously for the hotel as I do not see how it would hurt Tyrone overall (apart form possibly the B&B as you mentioned.) I think it it were to come to Tyrone, and the feasibility confirmed it would be profitable, it would NOT hurt any only serve to open up possibilities. What it would take away from the B&B it woudl replace in terms of added income to business such as Joy Beans, Radio Shack, Main Moon, Burley's, etc. Apart from the potential loss at the B&B, which I am not convinced yet that it would hurt, I don't see the downside. More thoughts?
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Post by Blain »

As far as somebody building a hotel as a private business, I don't have a problem with it. I don't believe that borough government should be involved in any capacity outside of what the normal involvement would be for a business of that scale.

A hotel seems to be the current mayors quest. I believe that the town should do everything it can to attract business to the downtown area. I don't believe they should pick and choose who they are going to help and who they aren't. I think if the incentives are there and the playing field is level, business will come if they believe it will be profitable for them.

Again, I don't see it happening, because I don't think the town could support a hotel.

Post by Mainegirl »

I'm not sure whether a hotel would work in Tyrone or not. I have to agree that it would bring business to the local resturants and shops. As far as the B&B's, I don't believe it would impact the business there. I say that because there are a great number of B&B's where I live, and it's a totally different experience than a hotel.

In short, those who choose to stay at a bed and breakfast are not the type that would likely stay at hotel anyway.
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