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Dirt Track in Snyder Township

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:24 pm
by tyroneforge
Tyrone Forge residents voice concerns about new dirt track

May 10, 2007

At Monday evening’s Snyder Township meeting, 11 homes were represented from the Tyrone Forge area concerning the dirt track being operated at what used to be the old Kimberling farm.
John Sultage acted as the spokesperson for the concerned group. He said he visited the supervisors at a township meeting in February to find out more information about the dirt track and that he was back again to see what supervisors had found out about it. Sultage told supervisors he believed the track began operations on April 29.
Ash Woskob, the owner of the track, was in attendance at Monday night’s meeting as well.
Woskob said he opened his business, “Area 251”, as a practice track for bikes and quads. For a fee, individuals are able to practice on the track.
Sultage told supervisors the residents living in the area where the track is located are concerned about the noise from the running of the motorcycles. He added that Dennis Rozick operates his business, which is a greenhouse, about 25 yards away from the track.
The group also believes the street gets muddy from individuals hauling their equipment down from the track.
Talks about getting a decibel reading of the noise were brought up, but currently the township does not have a decibel meter. The township does have a nuisance ordinance in which noise issues are addressed.
Woskob said his business is not open seven days a week, and that practice times are on Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays. He said no alcohol or drugs are permitted on the property.
“It’s good, clean fun,” he said.
Woskob added that he is a motocross driver and that he knew there would be opposition to the track. That is why he bought his own decibel meter and said the train that runs through the area is louder than his dirtbike. He said he also regularly sprays thousands of gallons of water on the track to keep the dust down.
Supervisor Charlie Diehl said since the track falls under land development, Woskob will need to submit a land development plan to the township.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 3:27 pm
by Rick
Welcome abaord!

This article was already posted in our news archives...

If you are looking to start a discussion, please feel free to voice an opinion, thank you - Rick

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:32 pm
by tyroneforge
sorry................ first time posting on this site........................

I just wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on this, even if you are not inside of snyder township, please feel free to give your opinion.

And if anyone has any more information on the dirt track than what the paper has, feel free to let us know.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:41 pm
by Rick
No apologies necessary...:thumb:

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:42 pm
by banksy
I am sure you are all waiting with baited breath for my response to this. There are more openings here than on a Vikings cruise ship. Refrense to Woskob (similar to knob) and good clean, fun to name a few.

A dirt track in Snyder touwnship has about as much chance of staying as does Alex Zinardi in Walk-a-thon. Seriously folks, what does it matter that a greenhouse is nearby, muddy roads on a dirt-road township, or the spraying of tons of gallons of fresh water? The residents of Snyder Township, apart from those nearby, are probably as concerned about this Louisiana residents are about Brittney Spears hairstyle. It simply doesn't matter.

I am calling my shot here. Consider this my guarentee. The dirt track is not going away. That's right, I guarentee it. I got my mink coat on, finger wagging, pantyhouse wearing, drolling over sideline reporters pointy finger pumped straight up into the friendly skies. So cry all you want Snyder Township, scream "no mas," throw in the towel, it's all for naught.

Get off your high horse Snyder Township. Like Eugene Robinson on Super Bowl eve, nothing can be more fake than this. Give up!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:47 pm
by Ray I.
Once again we visit the "Not in my back yard"problem. Maybe the freash smell of a hog farm or a chiken farm would be better(It is after all an old farm). I, for one, think it is a great idea.This coming from someone who has experenced the quad and motor cycle "gangs" zipping around on my property and that of friends. I much prefer them to have a space they can call their own, that is policed and taken care of. If the near by residence think that it's a problem, MOVE. That was the responce I got when I lived in the borough and complained of loud car sterio music at 0-dark-thirty. Kudos Mr. Waskob for giving the youth a place to recreate and ride those infernal contraptions!And ,Oh ya,just in case you think I don't know what I'm talking about. Igrew up not far from there and used to hunt and shoot varmits all over that farm!

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:19 pm
by Blain
Boo hoo.

Not too long ago, there was a chicken-little group called "Concerned Citizens Against Zoning", or some similar silly name, who were campaigning against any comprehensive plan with land-use or zoning regulations. According to them, zoning would let the township tell residents where they could or could not put a clothesline, or park a vehicle on their property, or put a swimming pool. Of course none of that stuff was or is true, but that didn't stop them from misleading people into signing their petition.

We have junk yards along route 350. We have what amounts to a scrap yard along 220 in Northwood, where G&R dumps all of their demolition debris. It's grown to twice the size that it used to be. There are junk cars parked along old 220 just down the road from the G&R eyesore. There's a junk-car ordinance, but that doesn't stop people from having them piled-up on their property. There's no code enforcement to speak of.

If you're a Snyder Township resident and want to get this crap cleaned up, support candidates that will actually do something about it.

Not too long ago, there was a chicken-little group

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:57 pm
by Ray I.
I am a member of this group. I'd like to know if you think you have the "right to tell me what to do with my property. I say you can tell me when YOU pay the taxes on MY property. "till then, If you don't like it , move to some place(like State College) where they do tell people how to live and wht to do with their property and let the rest of us "Chicken Littles" alone.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:14 pm
by Beck
Believe me if they want to find a loop hole to get it out of there they will...(for example methadone clinics not in this back yard issue)... I can understand people not wanting to hear the noise of motorcycles on a nice relaxing Saturday afternoon... but then again life is for the living and we have to make room for everyone... Can't say I'd want a motorcross track in my back yard, but then again there are alot of other things that could be worse..Why can't we all just find a happy medium and get along in the U.S.

Re: Not too long ago, there was a chicken-little group

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:40 pm
by banksy
Ray I. wrote:I am a member of this group. I'd like to know if you think you have the "right to tell me what to do with my property. I say you can tell me when YOU pay the taxes on MY property. "till then, If you don't like it , move to some place(like State College) where they do tell people how to live and wht to do with their property and let the rest of us "Chicken Littles" alone.
Trust me, it's done all the time. It's called a Homeowners Association... or eminent domain... there are many things that can make your property be under the rule of Tyranny. Long live Henrythe 8th!

Quit Whinning

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:04 am
by caddis
I get sick and tired of the people of this town complaining about new things that open in this town for the kids. I have taken my son there to ride and it is a very well run track that is not loud and dusty like some claim. I know Ash personally and he is a well respected person not some bum like some have said. Like I said before would you rather have these kids riding up and down Blair ave and other streets at all hours of the night or on a supervised track that has set hours. Nobody can say that I don't understand because I don't live there but let me tell you I have a full scale motorcross track in my backyard and my neighbors don't mind at all. If you say its the noise then I think we should close Ferner field and Gray field because they both generate alot of noise during baseball and football games. Would that be ok? I bet not. Just because my son wants to race motocross insted of playing football and baseball doesn't make him a criminal. Wake up people and find something useful to complain about because alot of people I know are tired of hearing it.

Re: Not too long ago, there was a chicken-little group

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:21 am
by Blain
Ray I. wrote:I am a member of this group. I'd like to know if you think you have the "right to tell me what to do with my property. I say you can tell me when YOU pay the taxes on MY property. "till then, If you don't like it , move to some place(like State College) where they do tell people how to live and wht to do with their property and let the rest of us "Chicken Littles" alone.
Your little group did a good job in misleading people into thinking that the township would or could actually tell people where to put a clothesline or park a car. Those things have nothing to do with zoning, but the scare tactics (lies) apparently worked. Me, when they came to my door with the petition, I threw them off my property.

When I open my chicken farm and chicken rendering plant here at the house, plus that pit-bull daycare I've been planning, and put the junk yard on the back forty, I don't want to hear any complaints, because hey, it's my property, I pay the taxes on it. Sure, the noise and smell may bother some people, plus that junk yard will be a real eyesore. But since there's no zoning or land-use codes, nobody will be able to stop me. If they don't like it, they can MOVE.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:17 pm
by Butterball
Finally someone is offering something for the younger folks in this community and of course there are those that oppose it. I quess they just want the kids to hang out in town and do drugs. That would keep the teens away from there place.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:57 pm
by Blain
Just to be clear, I don't oppose the dirt track. In fact I know nothing about it. I just decided to hijack this thread in order to make my point about zoning and a comprehensive plan with some land-use references.

Is the track very near to the homes in the area? Are there truly noise and dust issues? I wouldn't want somebody to open an ATV park or motorcross track next to my house. If it's far enough from the neighbors there shouldn't be a problem.

Hesston Speedway is being targeted right now with a "dust ordinance" passed by the township down there. The speedway has been there for a long time, but apparently some residents who have recently built homes nearby have complained. In my opinion, you shouldn't build your home near a race track, then complain about the noise and dust.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:08 pm
by sissy31696
My parents house neighbor the track, with an old cow pasture between them and the track. Yes the dust and the noise is very clear to us.

I wonder how many hunters this will affect? The property is close to the woods, where many have hunted in, and I know from visiting my parents, that just the sight of wildlife has dropped since the track has opened its doors in April.

I also wonder what this will do to the values of the homes, that sit near by of the lifetime residents in the local vicinity?