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Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:46 pm
by Harlow
The Tyrone community lost one of the good ones when Mike Blaska passed away.

I was fortunate enough to serve on the YMCA Board with Mike and without his hard work, the YMCA would have folded many years earlier.

He was a man who gave tirelessly to the YMCA and to the Tyrone community.

Sue, Chris and Kendra are in my prayers and the Tyrone community lost someone who cared deeply for his community.

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:17 am
by no-it-all
Ditto on that. Great, caring guy!! Will be missed.

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:39 am
by curvefan
Unfortunately my first post is a sad one.
Our family would like to offer our condolences to the entire Blaska family.
We will miss Mike.


Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:23 pm
by Blaska21
My dad was a wonderful person and just loved and enjoyed life. There wasnt a day that went by that my dad didnt have a huge smile on his face. He would have done anything for anyone. I will say one thing, My dad loved my daughter to death and was the best grandfather anyone could ask for. My daughter Alexa has one great guardian angel looking over her. My dad loved this town and community. Thank you Harlow for thinking about my dad and writing about him on here. I know he was a big part of your life and others. Thanks for all the support and prayers.

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 9:20 pm
by Beck
Sue worked at the YMCA when I worked there and of course where ever Sue was Mike was. He was always so friendly and willing to help out if something needed done around there. Through the years I've run into the Blaska's from time to time and he was always a great friendly guy. My heart goes out to Sue, Chris and Kendra... and of course to his grand daughter... May God grant you great moments of peace.

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 10:06 pm
by look2him
Yes! Tryone has lost a special man. Our family has had the pleasure of knowing both Mike and Sue for many years. We always looked forward to seeing them at the football games. Mike loved Tyrone football and was a great supporter. The Blaska's were very close to our mother. She had a very special place in her heart for Mike. They were both so wonderful to her during her illness. I am sure that Mom, along with many other friends and loved ones were there to welcome Mike "home!" He will truly be missed by the Templeton family. With love and prayers to Sue and family.

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 1:51 pm
by Rick

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:09 am
by Feathers
I just wanted to say in the few number of years that i knew Mikey, he touched me and my wife's life in such a positive way. He had such an infectious personality it was impossible for him not to rub off on you. He was the kind of person you always loved being around. He was so good to me and my wife. You were always in a better mood after being around him. I didn't grow up in Tyrone nor do I know a lot about the community but I do know he meant a lot to the community and was proud of being from Tyrone. He was a true friend, somebody who would do anything for you and not even think twice about it. God just inherited a huge Altoona Curve fan, a dedicated kazoo player, and one of the most genuine people you will ever come across. RIP Mike Blaska, you will sooo be missed!!!

Re: Tyrone lost a good man

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:37 pm
by Leep
I see by the newspaper account that Mr. Blaska was my age. Very sad to lose someone at any age, but it seems like this man had a lot of people who cared for and about him. I wish that I had known him...And, I add my condolences to everyone who loved this man.
God Bless him and his family.